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The Write Better Blog

Business Lessons from Madonna
What can Madonna teach ghostwriters, editors, creatives and people pleasers about being successful?

What is Your Donut on the Beach?
What are you doing in your business to pleasantly surprise your customers, and how can you leave a lasting impression and deliver a unique service?

When the Going Gets Tough, Go to the Beach
What is your go-to action when you need a reset and sitting at the computer is just not working?

Finding Your Ideal Reader
Your book content needs to be relevant to your target reader. Who is that person?

How To Write A Great Foreword
What makes a great foreword? I can get you there in six easy steps.

Seven Top Tips For Editing Your Own Work
Nothing kills credibility faster than mistakes in your book. What can you do, before you submit your work to an editor, to save time and money?

Your Time Is Yours
Do you feel like there’s just never enough time to write the book that you’re constantly thinking about writing? Why is that and what can you do about it?

Should I Self-publish or Publish with a Publisher?
“I want to open my book up to all possibilities, so should I self-publish or hire a publisher?” I can’t tell you how many times I get this question. Here is my response.

What Do You Want to Say?
What do you do when you know what you want to say, but you just can’t get the words onto the page?

When Is It Time to Kill Your Book?
When you think about killing the book, do you feel relief or pain? Does it make you sick to your stomach or does it make you feel free?

The Biggest Thing Getting In The Way Of Your Writing
What if I told you that a single mindset shift is all you need to finally finish that rough draft?

Ten Questions To Ask Yourself Before You Start Writing
Have you taken time to think through these ten what’s, who’s, and how’s? Or are you putting the cart before the horse?

See Yourself Writing A Book
Does it feel like Everybody Else is getting their book done and you’re stuck on the table of contents? But where do you start?

The Trouble With Following Your Passion
What is your passion? Do you know? Does it even matter?